Sample Email Requesting for Leave Approval

Sample Email Requesting for Leave Approval: Find professionally written email templates that you can personalize with your own details and submit to your employer. These examples cover various leave types, including vacation, sick leave, personal days, and more. Simply select the template that best fits your situation, edit it as needed, and send it to your manager or HR department.

Crafting an Effective Sample Email Requesting Leave Approval

When seeking approval for a leave of absence, it’s crucial to communicate your request in a professional and organized manner. A well-structured email can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and positive response from your employer or supervisor.

Subject Line: Leave Request for [Dates]

Your subject line should be concise and informative. It should clearly state the purpose of your email, including the dates of your requested leave.

Salutation: Dear [Mr./Ms. Last Name],

Begin your email with a formal salutation, addressing your employer or supervisor by their proper title and last name.


Start with a brief introduction, stating your name and your position within the company. This helps establish your identity and the context of your request.

Reason for Leave:

Clearly explain the reason for your leave request. This could be due to personal or family obligations, medical appointments, educational pursuits, or any other legitimate reason.

Dates of Leave:

Specify the exact dates of your requested leave. Be precise and use a consistent date format throughout your email.

Impact on Work:

Address how your absence will impact your work responsibilities. Explain any arrangements you have made to ensure a smooth transition during your leave, such as delegating tasks or completing projects in advance.

Alternative Arrangements:

If applicable, offer alternative arrangements for completing your work during your leave. This could include working remotely, adjusting your schedule upon your return, or seeking a temporary replacement.

Show Appreciation:

Express your appreciation for your employer’s consideration and understanding. Acknowledge any inconvenience your leave may cause and assure them of your commitment to returning to work and fulfilling your responsibilities promptly.

Contact Information:

Provide your contact information, including your phone number and email address. This allows your employer to reach you if they have any questions or need to discuss the details of your leave further.


Conclude your email with a polite closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”


Include your full name and any relevant titles or positions you hold within the company.

Remember, the tone of your email should be professional and respectful. Proofread your message carefully before sending it to ensure there are no errors or typos. A well-written and organized request for leave approval can increase your chances of obtaining a positive response and maintaining a positive working relationship with your employer.

Sample Email Requests for Leave Approval

Sample Email Requesting for Leave Approval Tips

When crafting an email requesting leave approval, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. By following these tips, you can increase the chances of your request being approved and ensure that the process is as smooth as possible.

Subject Line

  • Keep your subject line concise and informative.
  • Avoid using vague or generic terms like “Time Off Request” or “Need a Few Days Off”.
  • Instead, clearly state the purpose of your email in the subject line, such as “Request for Annual Leave (Dates)”.


  • Start your email with a polite and respectful greeting, such as “Dear [Supervisor’s Name]”.
  • If you have a personal relationship with your supervisor, you can open with a more informal greeting like “Hi [Supervisor’s Name],”.
  • Briefly state the reason for your email in the first sentence, such as “I am writing to request leave for my upcoming wedding”.

Leave Details

  • Clearly specify the dates and duration of your leave.
  • For example, “I am requesting annual leave from [Start Date] to [End Date], for a total of [Number] days”.
  • If you have any specific shifts or times that you need off, be sure to include those details as well.

Reason for Leave

  • While it’s not always necessary to provide a detailed explanation for your leave, it can be helpful in some cases.
  • For example, if you are taking leave for a medical procedure or a family emergency, providing a brief explanation can help your supervisor understand the importance of your request.
  • However, if you are taking leave for a personal reason and prefer to keep it private, you can simply state that it is a “personal matter”.

Alternative Arrangements

  • If possible, offer to make alternative arrangements to cover your work during your leave.
  • This could include suggesting a colleague who can take over your responsibilities or proposing a temporary shift change.
  • By showing that you are willing to find a solution that minimizes disruption to the team, you can increase the chances of your request being approved.


  • Recap the dates and duration of your leave and reiterate the reason for your request.
  • Thank your supervisor for their time and consideration.
  • Close the email with a polite and professional sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards”.

Additional Tips

  • Submit your request well in advance, especially if you are requesting leave during a busy time or if you need your supervisor’s approval to book travel or accommodations.
  • Follow your company’s policies and procedures for requesting leave. This may involve submitting a formal leave request form or following a specific approval process.
  • Be flexible and understanding if your supervisor needs to adjust the dates or duration of your leave. Remember that they have to consider the needs of the team as a whole.
  • If your request is denied, ask for feedback and try to understand the reasons behind the decision. This can help you avoid similar issues in the future.

FAQs on Sample Email Requesting for Leave Approval

What should I include in my email request for leave approval?

Your email should include your name, employee ID, department, the dates of your requested leave, the reason for your leave, and any supporting documentation if applicable.

How far in advance should I submit my leave request?

The amount of advance notice required for a leave request varies depending on the company’s policy. Generally, it is best to submit your request at least two weeks in advance to allow your manager sufficient time to review and approve it.

What should I do if I need to take a leave of absence that is longer than the maximum allowed by company policy?

If you need to take a leave of absence that is longer than the maximum allowed by company policy, you should discuss your situation with your manager and HR department to see if there are any options available to you, such as a leave of absence without pay or a reduced work schedule.

What happens if my leave request is denied?

If your leave request is denied, you should contact your manager or HR department to discuss the reasons for the denial and see if there is anything you can do to appeal the decision.

What should I do if I need to cancel or change my leave request?

If you need to cancel or change your leave request, you should contact your manager or HR department as soon as possible to let them know. Depending on the company’s policy, you may be required to submit a new leave request.

What if I am sick and need to take a leave of absence?

If you are sick and need to take a leave of absence, you should contact your manager and HR department as soon as possible to let them know. You may be required to provide a doctor’s note or other documentation to support your request.

How do I request a leave of absence for a family emergency?

To request a leave of absence for a family emergency, you should contact your manager and HR department as soon as possible to let them know. You may be required to provide documentation, such as a death certificate or a hospital bill, to support your request.

Signing Off with Gratitude

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for taking the time to read this article about crafting the perfect leave request email. I hope you found the tips and advice provided helpful in ensuring your request is approved. Remember, a well-written and professional email can go a long way in making a positive impression on your employer. If you have any further questions or would like to explore other aspects of effective communication in the workplace, feel free to drop by again. Your continued support and engagement with our content mean the world to us. So, until next time, stay tuned for more informative and engaging articles coming your way. Cheers!